Wednesday, June 10, 2009

No, My Face Is Not On Fire

So my Facebook status quoting Madeleine Kahn in Clue apparently didn't go over well.

Writing "flames FLAMES on the side of my face..." earned me several emails and messages asking if I had been burned. Was it acid? Was it an accident? Had I stayed in the sun too long?

While trying for the umpteenth time this morning to fix our satellite, I walked back to my office after receiving a signal only to find it had gone out again when I got back. A coworker and I had a good laugh, and I said "I'm so angry. SO angry..." And the thus the quoting begin. So I posted that as my status, as that was indeed my feeling at the time.

What's more when I clarified that I had not been burned, but was quoting the film, I was rebuked and chastised. How dare I worry them and cry fire when I had not been burnt.

I believe I have seen presidential death threats on status messages that received less attention. I have written "has a gran coat on and a cake on her head" and no one assumed that I was suddenly senile wearing a large coat and pastries.

Oddly enough, I've written this same message on my status before and received "haha, love that movie" and "I was so angry SO angry...breath...heaving breaths..."

Am I honest to God the only person in the world who has seen this movie?????


  1. I have seen that movie. I loved that movie in junior high. Though it's been so long since I watched it that I couldn't quote it. It reminds me of this one time I posted a quote from Wicked as my status on Yahoo Messenger: "Don't wish; don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart." I got this huge lecture from a friend on how I should never give up hope, etc. and I had to explain that it was JUST a quote from a song I was listening to at work that day. And yet no one ever comments when I post things like: "Talking to a man is like trying to saddle a cow. You work like hell, but what's the point?" - Gladys Upham

  2. Also, you shouldn't have been rebuked. Anyone who did is a total ninny.
