Friday, July 10, 2009

On The Media: I thought humans were all one species

We can only hope that "FOX and Friends" Brian Kilmeade made a serious word choice error. If he did not, then he needs some lessons in biology.

On Wednesday morning's "FOX and Friends" Kilmeade was discussing a study done in Sweden and Finland that showed couples who stayed married were less likely to develop Alzheimer's.

The study was done to show the health benefits of remaining in relationships. However, Kilmeade completely missed the point. He said that this study does not apply to Americans because "we marry other species." Therefore the reason Swedes and Finns are healthier is because "they have a pure society."

I wasn't aware that marrying other species was LEGAL in the United States, Kilmeade, because that would involve humans marrying other animals like goats, pigs, and fish. Does he believe people of different races are different species?

Honestly, why was he not forced to apologize for his word choice?

1 comment:

  1. Oh My God! I can't believe he got away with saying that! That's so blatantly, stupidly wrong. Then again, perhaps Kilmeade is married to a neanderthal. He sure acts like one. (Which is almost as factually inaccurate as his statement, but not quite. And I like the sound of it too much to correct myself.)
